02. Shukumei no Tabi e [On a Journey of Destiny]
03. Sabutaitoru [Subtitle]
04. Hanyou Inuyasha [Half-Demon - Inuyasha]
05. Kakushi Ido kara Sengoku Jidai e [From the Hidden Well to the Feudal Era]
06. Youkei Sesshoumaru [Demon Brother - Sesshoumaru]
07. Shikon no Tama o Nerau Chimimouryou [Spirits Seeking the Sacred Jewel]
08. Kiba no Ken Tessaiga [Fang Sword - Tessaiga]
09. Kyuuchi [Dilemma]
10. Youen [Fascinating]
11. Aikyacchi A [Eyecatch A]
12. Toki o Koete Kagome [Transcending Time - Kagome]
13. Dokidoki Ukiuki [Cheerful Heartthrobbing]
14. Ganbare! Houjou-kun [Go for It! Houjou]
15. Mura no Ichinichi [A Day in the Village]
16. Shikon no Tama o Tomete [Seeking the Sacred Jewel]
17. Nomi no Jijii Myouga [Old Man Flea - Myouga]
18. Osuwari! [Sit!]
19. Kogitsune Youkai Shippou [Litte Fox Demon - Shippou]
20. Furyou Houshi Miroku [Delinquent Priest - Miroku]
21. Kazaana [Wind Tunnel]
22. Taijiya Sango [Exterminator - Sango]
23. Unmei to Koigokoro [Fate and Awakening Love]
24. Bojou [Longing]
25. Aikyacchi B [Eyecatch B]
26. Fuonna Kehai [Uneasy Feeling]
27. Jayou Naraku [Malicious - Naraku]
28. Shuugeki [Attack]
29. Shikon [Dead Souls]
30. Hiun no Miko Kikyou [Fated Priestess - Kikyou]
31. Aika [Elegy]
32. Kanashimi no Hate ni [The Extent of Sadness]
33. Kagome to Inuyasha [Kagome and Inuyasha]
34. Reiryoku [Holy Powers]
35. Jaki [Evil Energy]
36. shitou [Battle to the Death]
37. Daihangeki [Big Counterattack]
38. My will (TV size)